As one of the rooms in a given home that’s most likely to contain wallpaper designs, the living room presents several different style options in this realm.
There is a wide range of discounted wallpaper options, from peel-and-stick varieties to a number of different styles depending on your needs and home qualities. This article is about different ambiance themes you might be going for in your living room, plus which wallpaper formats will be best for each of these themes.
Cozy and Warm
Perhaps the most common general living room theme, both for wallpaper and other interior design elements, is the warm and inviting setting. Many homeowners use this room for its traditional purpose: Hosting guests and relaxing during their free time. And for these needs, the cozy theme is the perfect way to go.
There are several options at your disposal for this theme depending on the other furniture in the room. Grey tones tend to do very well here, often in simple patterns that don’t stress the eyes. These and other neutral tones can be combined with darker organic colors, such as plush sofas or dark wood cabinetry.
Floral and Tropical Options
Two similar and common living room design styles, even in temperate climates like Utah, are floral and tropical themes. These are light, airy ways to design the room, keeping it bright and welcoming to all.
Floral and earthy wallpapers, generally with lots of green and yellow included in them, are both chic and classy. Tropical wallpaper, on the other hand, commonly comes in either the palm or leaf format, which brings an outdoor aesthetic to the room.
Dramatic Themes
Finally, for those who want to go bolder and really make their living room stand out, there are a number of dramatic themes available for wallpaper as well. Often mixed in with lighter furniture elements for an ideal contrast, these are typically darker and striking color choices. Deep blues are popular here, such as emerald blue that mimics a deep blue sea look and allows for a number of different viable contrasts.