Dream Home Renovations Realised
Home makeover Home renovations come in all shapes and sizes, but the desire to overhaul our living space will always be a balancing act between budget, time, and resources. We recently ran a survey of 1,000 homeowners to find out about their dream home renovation...
And I’m Back….
Oh boy- we did it! We are moved in! Holy smokes. Moving during a pandemic with two little kids is not for the faint of heart. We’re slowly getting settled, and I have to fight the urge to organize every second of every day. And I’m now trying to catch up on work too...
My New House: The Mudroom Plan
I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten more questions about a source than I have for my mudroom faux brick tile. Yes, it’s faux brick, porcelain tile, not thin brick veneer or full brick and mortar. First of all, we had a certain floor height we needed to work with in the...
Rooms that COVID Brought Back
COVID has caused an actual boom in our business. It sounds terrible to say, but it’s true. We’ve never been busier. Because everyone is forced to stay home/ work from home/ learn from home people are really seeing their homes, and the faults in their homes, in a new...